Incoming MTAs
Incoming Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) usually require an authorized signature from the UW Center for Commercialization (C4C) and a signature from the UW Principal Investigator (PI) receiving the material indicating that the UW PI has read and understood the terms of the MTA. The terms of the MTA may need to be negotiated to comply with UW policy, Washington state law, federal law, funding obligations such as NIH obligations, and any other obligations under MTAs with other parties.
Steps for incoming researchers:
- Before signing an MTA, please review it to ensure the terms are satisfactory.
- To obtain an authorized signature, please a) fill out the MTA Questionnaire (PDF), b) have it signed by the UW PI (if the UW researcher is not also the UW PI), and c) submit it to the Agreements Group along with your MTA. The MTA Questionnaire and MTA can be sent by email (, fax (206-685-4767), or campus mail (Box 354990). An electronic version of the MTA is preferred. Please be sure to include the description and proposed use of the material and the contact information for the provider.
- The UW researcher is responsible for arranging the physical shipping of the material with the provider.
For a flow chart describing the UW Outgoing MTA procedure, click here.