Request A Consultation

Completion of this form allows the UW Center for Commercialization to best match our resources to answer your questions. You should receive a response within two business days. If you do not hear back from us, please email and let us know.

You may also arrange for a consultation by phone by calling our main phone line (206) 543-3970. Please give your contact information (name, phone, email and best time to reach you) and a Technology Manager will contact you.

Contact Person: (required)

E-mail Address: (required)

Phone: (required)

Department: (required)

Principal Investigator (PI):
(if different from the Contact Person)

Project Title: (required)

Nature of Research: Please check all that apply (required)

Other groups involved in this research, like a UW dept or an external org:

Research Description (as specific as possible): (required)

Keywords for this research:

Estimated timeline for research (short project, long-term research):

The current stage of our research is: (required)

Current and planned funding sources: (required)

Federal funding was used, and this request is part of the close-out of a federal award:

Please tell us about issues/questions you would like us to address: (required)

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