Report an Innovation
Record of Innovation (ROI) Form
This ROI form is used for disclosing innovations to the UW Center for Commercialization including mechanical devices, materials, software, digital media and copyrighted works.
Please note the following steps to the ROI submission process:
Step 1: Complete and submit your ROI information online using the form below. If needed, you may save your work using the Save feature at the bottom of this form and submit your ROI when completed.
Step 2: After submitting your information online you will be prompted to print a copy of the form to collect the necessary signatures from your contributors. Forward to the UW Center for Commercialization (Attn: ROI Coordinator) via campus mail (Box 354990).
You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of receipt of this electronic ROI. Please reply to this email and attach any additional information such as manuscripts, grant applications or any other materials that help describe the innovation if available. Within two weeks the technology manager assigned to your ROI will contact you.
If you submitted an ROI and you do not hear from us within the above timeframe please contact our office at (206) 543-3970 to speak to the ROI Coordinator. We look forward to working with you.
For definitions of the fields, click here or click the [?] beside the field name.