May 07, 2015
3 WordPress Plugins You Need to Install Right Now

Designing a website is one thing, buttoning it up and maintaining it is another. I’ve been creating WordPress sites almost a decade. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s this, keep your WordPress plugins to a minimum and do your research before installing some random plugin that will “add lasers to your site”.
There are thousands of plugins. It can be daunting to try and figure out which plugins to use. Not to mention that there are quite a few that are buggy and vulnerable to virus attacks. The 3 plugins below won’t add a bunch of bells and whistles to your website but they are essentials. Install them now:
1. Wordfence
This one is a an absolute must and should be the first plugin you install. Wordfence scans your website and protects against any potential viruses and helps maintain the integrity of your WordPress build. Oh and it can also help to increase the speed of your site.
2. Yoast
Yoast is one of the best tools to help optimize your WordPress site with basic SEO and analysis tools. The best part? It’s completely free to install and use for as long as you like. Whether you’re a search engine expert or just getting started, Yoast will help you dial your site and get discovered on the web!
3. WordPress Super Cache
WP Super Cache optimizes your site for speed. It essentially generates temporary HTML files that are served directly from the server. This allows most pages to be served without having to process comparatively heavy PHP scripts. I know a bunch of technical mumbo-jumbo. All you really need to know is this plugin should and will improve your WordPress site’s performance.
Did I miss anything? What plugins are you using on your site that you can’t imagine life without? Shoot me a message if you think that something should be added to this list.