Feb 20, 2015
The Impact of MTV’s New Responsive Website Design

MTV recently redesigned a handful of its web properties to be mobile friendly. They were kind enough to share the resulting metrics. The numbers are a stellar example of the impact responsive design can have on site traffic. Frankly, coming from MTV I was surprised that this is “recent” news, after all it’s a given that MTV’s young audience is ripe for mobile traffic. The average MTV user checks their phone over 150x times a day! With that said the numbers below are astounding.
MTV Shows Website
When broken down in terms of device, it’s interesting that tablets and desktops are more alike with user behavior vs. mobile. Also note that exit rates were 11% on all devices and there was a 246% increase in social referrals.
Social referrals for the MTV News portion of the site is impressive as well. The new design resulted in a 565% increase!
MTV News Website
This information was originally posted by Luke Wroblewski. If you’re not familiar with Luke’s blog, you should be…