Dec 12, 2014
I’m not a Moron—I do know how to Scroll

Have you heard the term above-the-fold? It’s roots are in newspaper layout design but when applied to today’s methodologies, it’s the long-standing theory that it’s good to cram as much information as possible toward the top of a web page or app, another words if the user has to scroll chances are the information on the page will be missed (if it falls “below-the-fold”).
As a designer when I hear a the words “below-the-fold”, I wince. Sure hierarchy is of the utmost importance but we DO NOT NEED to try and cram everything on the web page above the fold. My personal philosophy has always been that if we design the site like our users are morons, then the site will look like it was meant for morons. Users are smart. They don’t need handholding and they certainly don’t need everything front and center.
If we design the site like our users are morons, then the site will look like it was meant for morons.
Why bring this up? Whelp it’s been a long-standing issue for designers, marketers, users, etc. and when I came across this awesome post: “Why Do Designers Think No One Knows How To Scroll?” via Fast Company I needed to share. The article describes how our friends at international design firm Huge Inc., have blown the “above-the-fold” theory out of the water. “Huge found that no matter how a site was designed, users scrolled. In fact, in each case, between 91% and 92% of users scrolled immediately.” Amen brothers, sisters, fellow designers.
Have a look at this article. It’s well worth the read. My one criticism though would be the title. If I had my way I’d change from “Why Do Designers Think No One Knows How To Scroll?” to “Why Do Marketers Think No One Knows How To Scroll?” Come on folks designers are always pushing the envelope. We like white space and designing below the fold. It’s actually bad marketers who want to cram every last message, link and shinny button above the fold!!