Jul 15, 2014
Attract Customers: 5 Fundamentals of Web Design

You have less than 6 seconds. That’s all the time a potential customer will spend looking at your website before they decide to keep browsing or leave. Approximately 2.5 of those seconds will be spent on the visual appeal of your website. With so little time to attract customers, quality web design is vital to the growth and success of your business!
Here are some of the most important aspects that attract customers to your website:
Content, content, content – it is core to any successful website. Communication is part of what defines design. If your website does not speak to your audience, you will loose them. Remember to “speak their language” and be clear and decisive.
It has been proven time and again by user experience (UX) studies: If your users have a difficult time finding what they are looking for on your website, your customers will leave and go somewhere else. To keep potential customers interested and engaged with your website, your navigation and UX need to function easily and intuitively. Your information needs to be effortless to find.
Your logo is the top-level contributor to your brand. It is your “road sign”. In a nutshell, it needs to look good, be industry-related, speak to your audience and be easy to remember. Brand and logo design runs deep. It is a whole other topic that I can really dig my heels into, however I’ll keep it short for the purpose of this post… Your logo design needs to be thoughtfully created to effectively communicate your brand, while also being memorable so that your website and other materials make a lasting impression on potential customers.
Think about how businesses use color: Target = Red, Apple = White, Yahoo = Purple. Color is important. Your color scheme should be easy on the eyes and core to your brand. Also make sure there’s plenty of contrast so that your website’s copy is legible.
Any photos or graphics on your website – especially the main image – need to be visually stimulating and impactful. The main image is probably the very first thing a potential customer sees when he or she lands on your home page, so it is also the first impression they have of your business. Make sure that image and all others are high quality, good representations of your brand/message, and unique to draw the customer in.
Hit me up if you’d like to talk more about web design that attracts potential customers!