Jun 25, 2014
Applying Classic Animation Techniques to HTML 5 Web Apps

If you’re into #HTML5 #animation you might want to check out Joel Baseda’s article Giving Animations Life via medium.com. Besada dives into some of the fundamental techniques Disney animators created many moons ago and applies them to the modern HTML 5 animation methods we use today. The best part about his article is the way he explains the simple methods to make an animation feel more human.
As an art director I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been delivered stiff and ridged animations that just don’t feel right. As a result I’ve tried to explain much of the same techniques but in a not so eloquent way. Besada really lays things out and shows us examples in a nicely packaged and comprehensive way.
One last thing! Beseda is also the creator of Bounce.js, a great tool for creating CSS3 animations for your web apps. I created a brief post about Bounce.js early last week…