May 29, 2014
Your CEO Should Read This: Design is… A Quick Overview

Design is simplicity, #design is #iconic, design is all around us. It gives us a user interface, a radio to listen to and the ability to “swipe” an unwanted message. It’s also much more then that.
In Irene Au’s article “DESIGN is… What CEOs should know about design”, via, she kicks things off by explaining the importance of design in technology by comparing the evolution of both the internet and automobile. Sure it sounds a bit complicated but the beauty of Au’s article is that she’s kept it brief and given us nice bite-sized bits that we can all understand.
“Whether we’re talking about product design or graphic design, great design is iconic. It’s not a fad, not showy, not trendy, not easily thrown away.”
Au goes on to explain what design is by touching on brand, simplicity, timelessness and more. This article is possibly one of the best explanations that I’ve read on what design is. Oh and your CEO should definitely read it too.
#uxdesign #userinterface #graphicdesign #branddesign